Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Back Home!

The first thing I was introduced to in the course was Digital Images.  I had to crop, enhance, create a panorama, and practice various other techniques with photos.  I was not sure, at first, how I would be able to integrate this into a classroom setting, but after a lot of thought, I do believe I now have a few ideas.  Digital Images can be used in various classroom settings.  I teach Reading and World Cultures, so I focused on the things I do in my classroom and how Digital Images may enhance student engagement.  Some ideas I came up with are as follows.  To encourage writing, a digital photo can be used as the foundation.  Students can be given a photo to look at, study and then write about it.  This can encourage descriptive writing as well as free writing and/or story-telling.  Another way I could use this is to create a classroom magazine with updates as to what we are learning in class.  Students could be given roles such as reporter, photographer, editor etc. and when it comes time to adding photos into the magazine, students can put their cropping, enhancing, and special effects to use to make our magazine more visually appealing to the readers.  As I am currently a classroom teacher, I think of ways to integrate what I have learned directly into my classroom now, however, being that this is an Education Media course, all of these techniques could be taught by the Media Specialist of the school.  Currently at my school, my own media specialist loves to take full classes and teach lessons.  These will be excellent ideas to take to her for next year!

The second thing I was able to get from this course is the importance of organizing classroom websites.  I have a classroom website that I use quite often and students are able to access it for various reasons.  However, I never gave much thought to the organization of the layout.  Creating a web of my website to see where things fall and how they are viewed by the students really helped me to see what I may be able to do differently for next year.  Easy navigation is a very important aspect of the classroom website.  Many parents are still not very tech savvy and it is my job to make it easy for them to navigate to where they need to be.  This is something that I do not consider as often as I should!  Clear and concise headings and buttons are a must for this reason.  Students in this generation know how to navigate technology better than most adults.  When I was organizing my already-created website, I noticed there were some pages that may have seemed a little cluttered or misplaced.  However, the purpose of my class site is to keep students and parents up to date on classroom events.  Students who are absent can got to the website to gather the day’s lesson and activities, parents can read information on school events, due dates for assignments, projects, and anything else that requires a time limit, as well as 24/7 access to my school and home email addresses. 

Skype can become a great tool in the classroom for parent-student-teacher interaction.  As of right now, students have access to an AOL Instant Messenger Screen Name I created solely for students to reach me.  I have this linked to my cell phone so students have the ability to send me an Instant Message, making me able to attend to my students’ needs even while I am out and about.  I truly believe in being accessible to both my students and their parents.  For this reason, I also give my cell number to parents who feel they may need to contact me outside of school hours.  Many Professors who work in the Distance Education realm also provide this option.  This step gets me one step closer to how it would be if I were ever become an online teacher.  I would like to utilize Skype into my parent-student-teacher connection because I think it is a great way to stay connected.  Students are able to connect with other students about homework, class work, and projects.  This is especially useful for group projects because they can contact each other and work via Internet (with the option of video conference if both parties have web cameras).

Finally, I was able to learn about the “behind-the-scenes” of Online Courses.  Which I think should be a component to many instructional technology type courses such as this!  Through the activity provided to us via WebCourses, I learned how much maintenance goes into an online class.  There are many different areas an online teacher must routinely check to be sure everything runs smoothly.  I am not yet able to apply this to my classroom, though I do have the ability to create test/assignments/quizzes online and have students take them via the computer and submit them.  This is not as complex as WebCourses, but it is a baby step into that direction.  With our new program that will be introduced District-wide next year, Skyward allows students to complete assignments online and teachers can opt to have the computer grade it, which will them automatically insert the grade into the grade book, or students can do the assignment online, and the teacher can still manually grade it, and enter the score into the grade book at his/her leisure.  I do feel that by using Skyward, my district is slowly creeping towards the feel of an online curriculum course.  If I combine all that I have learned through this class, I am willing to bet I would be quite close to having a solely online course.  Close, not completely there though.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spring Break?

So, this week I am finally on Spring Break. I've been waiting and waiting for this moment since...Well, I guess since Winter Break. lol

This week has been very fun and exciting...however I have a technology frustration to share with all of you.

My son turned 1 on March 20th. Greatest day! So, we had a small family party that night followed by an even bigger party the following weekend (the 28th). Well, Noah, my son, received a pool for his birthday, so I took some video footage of him playing, excitedly, in his pool from my digital video camera. While he was getting ready for cake, I thought I'd welcome the opportunity to download the footage onto my computer. So, I pulled out the SD card, slid it into my computer...and....the card would not work. I tried every angle possible to fix the problem, no luck. There was still room to record the cake, so I just dealt with the problem.

WELL...this past weekend...EASTER weekend, my wife and I went to visit her parents. We went to the beach, mini golf, blah blah blah...and come Sunday before we left for our trip home, I wanted to download the pictures onto my mother-in-law's computer. SAME PROBLEM HAPPENED! Different SD card, Different computer! This was the strangest thing. So, I tried putting the card in my computer and it worked. I just scratched my head is confusion, frustration, and disbelief.

My wife thought maybe the card was locked...but it wasn't. So now we are out of theories. I'd now like to hear yours! Has this happened to anyone else?

That, and sunburnt feet, is how the start of my Spring Break occurred!


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Skyward is coming, Skyward is coming, Skyward is coming...

Ok, so its not the British Red Coats, but to the staff at my school, it may be just as bad. Our district is implementing a new mainframe for next school year. This mainframe is an all-in-one system that encompasses the teacher gradebook, attendance, student records, pay-roll, and more.

Why then, am I telling everyone about this? Because I have been selected, as well as a few others around the district, to pilot the grading portion of this program for the final nine weeks of this school year.

Being well versed in the arena of technology, I encourage new and exciting ideas, but this is not the case for most at my school. For example, when I mentioned to my team leader that our new grading program will allow us (the teachers) to create quizzes online and allow the students to answer them right inside the grading program where the program will then score the results and enter them directly into the gradebook, my colleague said (and I'm not exaggerating) "What's so good about that? I don't think I'm going to like that because then I can't how my students are answering the question."

When I asked him if he ever gave multiple choice questions, he responded with a resounding "yes." So I asked him what the difference was in seeing the student's circle or bubble and a computerized check box, and he told me it just didn't feel right."

At any rate, I'm excited to be a part of this pilot. The only difference that I've noticed between our new grading program and a typical LEM is there does not seem to be a drop box functionality or a discussion board. However, students will be able to send and receive messages and our IT department is working on interweaving email into the we'll see.

Anyway, this is going to be an interesting final nine weeks to say the least!


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Technology at Work

Well, this past Friday I put my new technology to use. I think the kids really enjoyed their new learning "toys." As mentioned before, I was awarded a grant to utilize Nintendo DS handheld gaming systems as well as a Nintendo Wii for whole group purposes. Friday the students were given an orientation to the DS games. They learned the requirements I have set forth in order for them to use them which involve the following:
1) All students must keep a journal of all activities completed with the game CrossworDS. They are to log which crossword they complete, as well the words they encounter. Students also have to notate when a new word they are unfamiliar with is introduced to them from the game.

2) Students were informed of the proper usage and safety protocols set in place to keep our new technology in good shape for a very long time. I was actually surprised to see how many students were not familiar with the DS handheld gaming system at all.

3) Students were then given the opportunity to utilize the Nintendo Wii game "My Word Coach" for the remainder of the class period.

All in all, I believe it is safe to say my students are definitely excited to be using the Nintendo gaming systems as a part of their learning experience.

My plan for implementation is as follows: For the remainder of the school year, my reading classes are going to begin Literature Circles. One day a week, rather than reading or meeting as a group, one literature group will be given the DS's to use instead of reading. They will all be told that poor behavior during their literature circle meetings and reading times will directly affect whether or not they will be allowed to utilize the Nintendo DS on their scheduled day.

Only time will tell...and Spring Break is finally coming (April 10th). We only have three days next week (Thursday is a half day and Friday is no school) so I may not be able to start until after then...we'll see!!!!


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

And so it ends....

With comps ending a huge relief has been lifted off my shoulders.

But, I have some more good news I would like to share with everyone!! I recently received an educational grant through the Ed Foundation and was able to purchase 1 Wii, 3 extra controllers, 5 Nintendo Ds', and 5 My Word Coaches for the DS. I've used my own Wii in the classroom with My Word Coach and it is such a great learning tool. The kids are engaged and learning all at the same time. I'm really excited to have this technology available to my students.
I haven't used the DS yet, but I am hoping to test it this week. I do believe it will work our just fine. Working in a school where technology is at the bottom of the list, I've really had to push to get what I have!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Comps Comps Somps!

I really welcomed the Spring Break we had because I had to study for my Master's Comprehensive Exams. I take them March 20th - 23rd. I have been so overloaded with studying that i have put everything for this class on the back burner. I just put the finishing touches on my choice activity and I am in the process, as I type, of sending it in. I am worried about not having done exactly as was expected. But, in my defense...Comps!
Do you ever wonder where the time goes? I feel like even though I welcomed the just flew by me without me ever really truly noticing I was on break...I guess I blame it on the studying...I've been robbed of a true Spring Break.
Anyway, I did my choice activity on Skype. What an amazing program. I've had the ability to use it for a semester long project last semester and it was a life saver. All of my group members lived quite a distance from one another, so Skype really saved us! I do encourae those of you who have yet to try Skype to give it a shot. You might quite enjoy it! :)

Good Night!


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

School, School, and More School

So, this week I have been busy at work making sure my students are prepared to take the FCAT next week. When I come home, I look to see what I should be working on for my two classes and then pick one to do for the evening. I feel I have neglected this class this week and have been more focused on the research for my comps that I am taking in two weeks. I am thankful for Spring Break so I can play catch up with this class. My plan is to have my next assignment for this class completed well before the actual due date. That would be a HUGE accomplishment for me.
Well, nothing else is new with me. See ya when FCAT is OVER!
